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Blogging For Dummies

Blogging for Dummies

Definition: Web-logs, or blogs for short, are personal online journals and occasionally diaries. They are characterized by their reverse chronological nature of posts created by the blogger. Blogs often have many posts sharing beliefs, thoughts and experiences, as well as a page that explains a bit about the blogger(s). These types of websites can be use to enhance one's public presence, or propelling a business by establishing a connection with their audience. Often there is a section of readers to leave feedback and reply. Networking as well as selling products is something blogs excel at aiding in because of this feature. Additionally, communicating and finding people in your field is made easier through blogs.

How to Respond to a Blog Post #1:

-Use a photo of yourself as an avatar

-Don't use an alias

-^to help build a connection with whoever reads

-Refrain from links, to prevent looking like you're self-promoting or being reported as spam

-Read the entire post before responding

-Prioritize quality over length, avoid being too wordy

-Don't repeat what the post states, offer something new or interesting

-Kind greetings

-Genuine compliments

-Added value

-The Parting Promise

-Ask thoughtful questions

-Contribute to the discussion

-Display personality

How to Respond to a Blog Post# 2:

-Be early to comment

-Don't overly self-promote

-Provide value to the conversation/discussion

-Highlight issues

-Disagree in a respectful way

-It's okay to challenge ideas

-Ask questions

-Know why you're commenting

-Reply to comments

-Ask for them to explain or expand their thoughts

Few Weeks of New Media:

New media explores how technology influences our modern world, and over the beginning of school I've got to understand it more. Making word art was surprisingly more easy than I'd preconceived. I enjoyed messing around with options and trying to find my own shape for the words to make online. Blogging was confusing at first, and still a bit now, but it seems like a useful skill for any ambitious future endeavors. Also the practice of taking information and putting it into your own words is very important online. Overall I'm interested in new media so far, despite not always being entirely engaged in this form of English.

Definition Reference Citations:


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